Jan 8, 2011


Established since 1946, BNI is formerly known as Bank Negara Indonesia, is the first bank Founded and Owned by the Government Indonesia.Pada in 2004, the which updated its corporate identity began to be Used to DESCRIBE the prospects for a better future, after the success Difficult times of the sailing.

In order to develop the quality and performance of our services, we need candidates to fill the position:

IT Development Program IT Development Program


  • Minimum S1 Graduated from Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Statistics / Industrial Engineering / Computer Science / Electronics / Engineering Physics / Mathematics from State University / Private prominent (BINUS) capable in the field of IT. Minimum S1 Graduated from Computer Engineering / Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Statistics / Industrial Engineering / Computer Science / Electronics / Engineering Physics / Mathematics from State University / Private prominent (BINUS) capable in the field of IT.
  • Term GPA are: PTN minimum 2.75; PTS Terms of GPA of at least 3.00 
  • Mastering at least one of programming languages: Cobol, C + +, Java, MS Dot Net, PHP, Web, MS SQL Server, Platforms UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux), TACL, PHP, SAS, PL SQL. 
  • Work experience programming at least 1 year. 
  • Value added to the master: Development Tools, UNIX OS platforms (AIX, Solaris, Linux) / OS Windows Server / Data Base Oracle / SQL Server or understand the concept of TCPIP / Management Data Base / Project Management Tools Value added to the master: 
  • Mastering the English language at least passive 
  • Maximum age 28 years 
  • Physically and mentally healthy

for applicants who meet the above criteria, please register yourself to:


Gd. Gd. Engineering Center, Fl. Engineering Center, Fl. Base Base

Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering UI Depok, Depok

Tel: 021-78849080 Tel: 021-78849080


CDC Special Member FTUI Send an e-mail to


by way of attaching a CV, GPA, and photographs

How Email Typing Subject:

The name of the proposed you_BNI 46_Position

(Example: Muhammad Yunus_BNI46_Kode Position) (Example: Muhammad Yunus_BNI46_Kode Position)

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