Opportunity to become the new ENERGY PERTAMINA CLEAN, COMPETITIVE, Confident, CUSTOMER focused, capable and COMMERCIAL via BPS & BPA program in 2011.
Individual talent and potential maximum 27-year-old, Graduated S1, which has experienced Precedence work, from an accredited university (min. B), IPK Min. 3.00 have TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Min. 450. On Organize and willing to be placed in the Business Unit Pertamina.
Individual talent and potential maximum 24-year-old, Graduated Diploma 3, Preferably who have experience of work, from an accredited university (min. B), IPK Min. 2.75 have TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Min. 400. On Organize and willing to be placed in the Business Unit Pertamina.
Include application letter, CV, Photocopy of identity card, Photocopy of diploma / SKL, Transcript Photocopy, Photocopy of TOEFL / TOEFL Prediction Score, and 1 sheet Photo (4x6) while visiting Pertamina, Job Fair Booth.
- JobsDB.com Career Expo 2011 (21-23 January 2011) - Sabuga ITB Bandung.
- UI Career & Scholarship Expo 2011 (10-12 February 2011) - UI Depok.
- Career Days GMU VIII in 2011 (5-6 February 2011) - UGM Yogyakarta.
- BKI ITS 2011 (16 to 17 March 2011) - ITS Surabaya.