Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) requires the PNS, to carry out the duties and functions as follows:
Position / Code Number
Sekertaris Jendral (SJ) 1 (one)
Bendahara (B) 2 (two)
Penanda Tangan SPM (SPM) 1 (one)
Pejabat Pembuat Komitme (PPK) 3 (three)
Pejabat Pengadaan (PP) 3 (three)
General Requirements:
a. Sex Male / Female;
b. Have the dedication, integrity and credibility to the State;
c. Has never been named as a suspect;
d. Political parties do not take charge of both the central and regional levels; and
e. Not a consultant, Commissioner / Corporate Directors, and Management of Business Associations
Particular requirements for the Sekertaris Jendral:
a. Maximum age 50 years;
b. Officer or has held positions at least equivalent echelon II in the Ministry / Agency;
c. It has a minimum rank of Major Young Adult with group IVC;
d. S2 preferably has a level of education;
e. It never gets heavy disciplinary penalty in the Ministry / Agency concerned;
f. Having an active English ability (verbal and written).
Particular requirements for the Bendahara, Penanda Tangan SPM, Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen,
dan Panitia Pengadaan :
a. Maximum age 45 year;
b. Minimum education S1;
c. It has a minimum rank stylist with class IIIB;
d. Has Certificate of Procurement of Goods and Services LKPP minimal L2;
e. Have knowledge of Procurement of Goods and Services Government and or / Audit.
Cover letter addressed to the Chairman of thea Ketua Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.36 Jakarta Pusat 10120 was received on February 8, 2011 by the Committee
with the appropriate code list code proposed position the upper right corner, and
attach a copy of the last diploma, Curriculum Vitae, Copy of ID card. This announcement
can also be viewed on the website