- Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
- Male or female GP
- Unrestricted term of office / employment contracts with both government and private agencies.
- No status as a participant PPDS / not bound by contract with Government or private
- Willing to be assigned as the Brigade for Disaster Preparedness for 1 year in a row (do not move from location assignment)
- Ready assigned to disaster areas and other special situations that require staff physicians.
- Cover letter written on paper stamped USD. 6.000, -
- STR Photocopy of the Indonesian Medical Council
- Passport photo size 3 x 4 cm 2 pieces
- Photocopy of diploma legalized
- A written statement:
- Not being status as a participant PPDS (Doctor of Education Program Specialist) and is not bound by contract with Government or private
- Willing to be assigned as the Brigade for Disaster Preparedness for 1 (one) year in a row (do not move from location assignment).
- Ready assigned to disaster areas and other special situations that require staff physicians.
- Certificate training PPGD / ATLS / ACLS for ever through the course.
- For those who have followed the specific tasks of humanitarian / Joint Health Team to attach a photo copy of the document in question.
- Special Requirements: Health Certificate from the Government Hospital which include:
- Examination of Radiology: Thoracic Photos
- Laboratory examination: Sysmex, SGOT, SGPT, Creatinine, Glucose fasting and Urine routine
- Place of registration at: Hospital Jayapura
- Date of registration: 14 February until March 3, 2011
- Selection test: March 9, 2011
- Psikotest and Interview: 10 d March 12, 2011
- Graduation Announcements: March 19, 2011
RSU Jayapura Region
HR Section Hp. 081344115525
Hp Planning Section. 0811481776
Download the Complete Announcement Bahasa Indonesia